எழுந்தது துகள்;
ஏற்றனர் மார்பு;
கவிழ்ந்தன மருப்பு
கலங்கினர் பலர்.
This is an ancient tamil literature called kalithogai written during 6-7th century depicting the characteristics of a leader in a society.This explains the fame of jallikattu and harvesting in Tamil traditions.
1)They can put an end to organic farming and later the agriculture "THE BACK BONE" of our country itself which diffuses majority of population out of agriculture,so that they can bring their masters from their companies to start MNCs here "MAKE IN INDIA " and eventually make our country (youngsters)an indirect slave to them.
2)Only few indian cows produce A2 quality milk the rarest unlike their genetically modified half swine half cow giant Lactating machines which produces surplus poisonous milk which produce parkinson's and various bone related diseases.The industry explained in 5 minutes.
3)Kill all the precious Indian cattle here in the name of meat export and making agricultural lands impotent by importing those 2nd world war unused chemicals in the name of fertilizers with the help of corrupt broker politicians and make the land Impotent.Buy those lands for cheap rate and give to the MNCs to further exploit it like Methane extractor sucking up the water and spoiling the environment.
4)Smuggle the sperms of such precious bulls and store it in their lab.Once all the cattle are killed here .They'll start producing the same cows as theirs .And produce the A2 quality milk ,Patent it and make money.
5)By doing these they can control the 1lakh crores worth of dairy industry operating in india .And what will the politicians do?
PETA is so concerned about the bulls being injured but it doesn't open its hypocritical mouth when 1000s and 1000s of cattle being killed in the name of meat and exported to their own countries where they have their mother branch .Its more shocking to know that meat industries ,dairy industries and animal welfare NGOs all belongs to a single company with different names.The exporting of beef/meat in india has increased double compared to last year.
1)If they're really concerned about animals why haven't they raised their voice against those horses in the army cavalry ??Do those horses willingly participate in the war??or passionate to be a part of polo sports or horse race?
2)What about the temple elephants in the temple festival processions, blessing and begging in the streets??are they doing it volitionally ??what about them in the circus?born to entertain you ??
3)Why haven't they raised their voice against extinction of birds due to these mobile towers ??
4)There are 1000s of stray dogs being killed on the highways by over speeding vehicles every day.why haven't they taken any action??is it because there is no profit in doing so??
5)There are more than 3lakhs cattle being killed in the name of religion annually in our neighboring country Nepal .Dogs being killed in yulin festival in china .Entire discovery channel,animal planet can be seen on their plate .
PETA's logic -when spain does it ..its called Cultural Art Form,even though bulls are brutally stabbed and killed.But when tamils do it its blood thirsty barbaric sports.Where the bull hardly stays for half a minute in the event and not killed.
PETA is dangerous !
Even a normal confused Indian can see all the effects of banning the game,why can't a supreme court with educated professionals are unaware of it.
We as a confused Indian requests Supreme court to appoint a committee to study and submit report instead of giving judgements based on PETA video clips,which is completely malafied.
We as a confused Indian requests Supreme court to appoint a committee to study and submit report instead of giving judgements based on PETA video clips,which is completely malafied.
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